The Personal Site of Lalo Morales

Another Claude-Engineer Blog Post: Or Is It A Groq-Llama3 Post?

claude-engineer groq-engineer blog post

I love getting on twitter or linkedin and finding little gems like claude-engineer, I have no idea how I found it but I am glad I did. Its just a python file, a readme, and a requirements.txt file. Its so rad, and simple to set up. I think its simple? I just did a git clone and suddenly this cute little folder was on my desktop ready to impress the shit out of me.

I put it in a conda environment and did the pip install -r requirements.txt to install all the “things.” I entered my Anthropic API key, I typed in python and BAM! I was introduced to this amazing little engineer friend that looks so simple yet can literally do anything, locally, and with the smartest model out there. This is a game changer.

I go straight to automode, I dont care. Dont tell me what to do. This app can do anything to anything inside of it’s folder. So go download React, open terminal, navigate to the claude-engineer folder, type npx create-react-app app-name, open claude-engineer, then describe to claude-engineer the type of react app you want, and have it go to work.

Automode will get you 25 moves in this sweet little game. It’s also super nice to follow along with it, you get to see how it thinks and why it does what it does. I am about to run some stuff just to use the new save chat feature. Dude the new token usage feature and cost display is pretty rad, I did just realize I spent 1.45 on a silly app I don’t plan on using or playing.

Damn I ran out of tokens with claude, thats nuts. A few minutes later and were back at it!

Okay I just tried to use Groq and Llama3 instead of claude and for some reason those dudes are not writing files to the machine, only claude-engineer is? strange !

Fuckit I threw it on Github, maybe I can figure out how to get it to write and read files, cause Groq and llama3 are fast as F!

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