The Personal Site of Lalo Morales

Breaking Claude: Can You Give An AI ‘Too Much’ info, from too little?

over working claude 3 pro

the idea is you break down a large project into tiny pieces of code, terminal shortcuts, sql shortcut codes, and you speak to it on a level like that. you ask it to run sql shortcut commands for a 3 db table and you have that connect to the front end 3 html form pages with java that send to a postgres db on the backend that exports to a csv. . . break down that type of logic into the most effective wording, show me terminal_shortcuts to create all files in file_structure, using sql_shortcuts, using sql shortcut keys create all db_tables needed to connect all frontend files listed in file_structure..

you get the idea, its speaking their language, learn it, love it, hate it, whatever.. i just wanted to share to you a bit of information that i thought was handy. Those rectangles on that sheet you hate, thats them.. this is what were talking about, those little fields in all of those sheets, they go into things like postgres or google cloud. i nerrd out hard on computer stuff, always have, always will… im running a discord server with ai, crypto, software, cannabis news. A cannabis blog this blog,, a digital marketing company on, and i have my own personal website at I work for Supherb creating software and managing the database. I have been using AI software and language models since their inception, 12 hours a day 7 days a week. I have entered the matrix. Anyways, the image i am showing is me breaking down some stuff in the same way I drescribed earlier, but with hand written notes… I wanted to see if I could really break this baby. Enjoy

Copy AI Wrote This: Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V Your Way to Coding Glory: Terminal and SQL Shortcuts for Beginners

terminal sql structure

The project breakdown method involves systematically dividing a large, complex project into smaller, more manageable components and tasks. This approach provides several key benefits:

  • Improved organization and tracking – By splitting a project into logical chunks and steps, it becomes much easier to organize, prioritize, sequence, and track progress. Rather than an amorphous large project, you have a set of concrete deliverables.
  • Increased efficiency – Smaller tasks are often easier and faster to complete. By focusing team efforts on one piece at a time, work can proceed rapidly. This also makes it easier to divide work among team members.
  • Better focus – With large projects, it’s easy to become overwhelmed and lose sight of what needs to be done. Breaking it down creates clarity around the incremental goals and next steps.
  • More flexibility – The modular approach allows for changes to be made to individual components without necessarily affecting other parts of the project. This facilitates iteration and improvements.
  • Improved morale – Demonstrating progress with completed tasks helps keep motivation high. Team members get a sense of achievement as pieces are finished.
  • Easier testing and integration – Each component can be tested in isolation before integrating the full project. This makes it faster to identify and fix bugs.

The key is to find the right level of decomposition – not so small that you’re tracking trivial details, but not so large that tasks are still unwieldy. The project breakdown method is a cornerstone technique for managing any successful large initiative.

Structuring the File System

When starting a new development project, it’s important to decide on an effective file structure and organization early on. This will provide clarity for all team members and make the project much easier to navigate as it grows in complexity.

To structure the file system:

  • Create a top-level folder for the project and initialize a Git repository in this folder for version control.
  • Within the project folder, create separate folders for the major components of the system – frontend, backend, database, etc. Keeping these concerns separated from the start will prevent the codebase from becoming tangled later on.
  • Within the frontend folder, you may want sub-folders like assets, components, pages, etc depending on your framework.
  • For the backend, create folders for models, controllers, routes, etc based on your framework/library.
  • Create a config folder at the project root to store configuration files, and a scripts folder for build automation scripts.
  • Use a consistent hierarchical naming convention for folders and files, with short but descriptive names.
  • Have a plan for extending the structure as new components and features are added.

Thinking through the project structure at the start provides a logical overview of the system. As development progresses, you can refine and iterate for optimal organization. But having the basic folders and separation of concerns upfront will ensure the code stays neatly organized at scale.

Planning the Database Schema

When planning the database schema for a new project, it is important to think carefully about the data structures and relationships required to support the application’s functionality both now and in the future. A well-designed database schema will make development easier and allow for scalability as the project grows.

The first step is to identify the key entities, attributes, and relationships you need to model in your database based on the project requirements. What types of objects will the application need to store data for? For example, a social media site might need to represent users, posts, comments, photos, and more.

For each entity, determine what fields or columns will be needed to store the necessary data. A User table, for instance, might include columns like id, name, email, password, etc. Think through required fields versus optional ones. You’ll also want to determine which attributes can uniquely identify each entity, as those will be important for establishing relationships.

As you map out entities and attributes, also consider the relationships between the objects. There are different types of relationships to represent – one-to-many, many-to-many, and one-to-one associations. For example, a User can have many Posts, representing a one-to-many relationship.

With entities, attributes, and relationships defined, you can then design a normalized database schema. The goal of normalization is to structure the database efficiently, eliminate data redundancy, and reduce the risk of inconsistencies and errors. Strive for tables to be as atomic and modular as possible.

Be sure to consider potential areas for future growth and determine how well your schema could accommodate new features or scale to higher volumes of data. Planning ahead will prevent expensive schema migrations down the road.

Overall, investing sufficient time in planning the optimal database schema will pay off through more streamlined development today and greater flexibility to meet evolving needs tomorrow.

Creating Database Tables

To implement the database schema, we need to actually create the database tables using SQL Data Definition Language (DDL) statements.

SQL provides statements like CREATE TABLE and ALTER TABLE to define database tables and columns. We will need to decide the appropriate data types, keys, constraints, and other attributes for each column. Some best practices for creating tables include:

  • Give columns descriptive names
  • Normalize the schema to avoid data redundancy
  • Use the smallest data type needed to store values
  • Define primary keys to uniquely identify rows
  • Use foreign keys to establish relationships
  • Add CHECK constraints to validate data
  • Set DEFAULT values where applicable

Once the DDL statements are written, it’s important to save them as table creation scripts that can be stored in version control and run in development, test, staging, and production environments. This helps ensure consistent deployment across environments.

Following database best practices and keeping the table schemas under version control will enable maintaining a well-organized, documented database as the application evolves.

Connecting the Front-end

Once the database and back-end API are ready, it’s time to build out the front-end UI and connect it to the API.

Build front-end UI with HTML/CSS/JS

Use HTML, CSS and JavaScript/TypeScript to construct the application’s user interface. Focus on clean, responsive design and smooth interactivity. Reuse UI components where possible.

Some best practices:

  • Use a CSS framework like Bootstrap for responsive grid and styling.
  • Organize code into modules/components.
  • Implement mobile-first responsive design.
  • Follow accessibility standards.
  • Write semantic HTML.

Create forms to submit data to back-end

Build forms with validation to accept user input. When the form is submitted, use JavaScript to send the data to the appropriate API endpoints.

For example, create a registration form that on submit, serializes the data and sends a POST request to /api/users to create the new user record in the database.

Use proper form encoding, validation and error handling.

Connect front-end to API endpoints

The front-end JavaScript application will use asynchronous HTTP requests to read and write data via the API:

  • GET /api/users – get list of users
  • GET /api/users/:id – get a specific user
  • POST /api/users – create new user
  • PUT /api/users/:id – update user
  • DELETE /api/users/:id – delete user

Similarly connect forms and front-end interactions to any other APIs required by your application.

Handle loading states, errors, caching, etc. Test all API calls.

Developing the Back-end

When developing the back-end, you’ll need to choose a server-side language like Node.js, Python, or Java to build out the API and database interaction logic.

Some key steps for developing the back-end include:

  • Choose a server-side language – Popular options include Node.js, Python, Ruby, PHP, and Java. Consider factors like performance, scalability, community support, and your team’s existing skills. Node.js is a popular choice for its asynchronous, event-driven architecture.
  • Set up a web framework – Most server-side languages have web framework options like Express for Node.js or Django for Python. These frameworks speed development by providing routing, request handling, and boilerplate code.
  • Build REST API endpoints – The API provides the interface between front-end and back-end. Build REST endpoints for key functions like user authentication, data retrieval, updates, deletes, etc.
  • Write database interaction logic – Write handler functions to connect to your database and perform CRUD operations. Use a query builder or ORM to simplify data access.
  • Implement input validation – Validate and sanitize all input data to protect against attacks like SQL injection or cross-site scripting.
  • Add security features – Implement authentication, access controls, encryption, rate limiting etc. OWASP guidelines provide best practices.
  • Write tests – Write unit and integration tests to validate your API and database logic. Test edge cases and failure modes.
  • Set up error handling – Handle errors gracefully and provide contextual error messages to assist debugging.
  • Deploy back-end – Containerize application using Docker and deploy to a cloud platform like AWS, GCP, or Azure.

Taking the time to thoughtfully architect and implement your back-end will provide a robust foundation for your application.

Writing Reusable Components

When developing a complex application, it’s important to identify opportunities to break the code into reusable components. This helps reduce duplication and create a more modular, maintainable codebase.

Some strategies for writing reusable components include:

  • Identify common UI elements that appear across multiple pages, like buttons, navigation, inputs, etc. These are good candidates to abstract into reusable React or Vue components.
  • Look for shared non-visual logic that is needed in multiple places, such as API calls, data formatting, calculations, etc. These can be extracted into custom hooks or utility functions.
  • Create generic container components that handle generic tasks like connecting to the store, fetching data, error handling, loading states, etc. More specific child components can then be swapped in and out.
  • Build custom hooks for common data fetching tasks like getting data from an API or local storage. These handle the logic and can be reused anywhere needed.
  • Develop UI kits or component libraries with elements like buttons, inputs, cards and templates. These provide building blocks to quickly compose consistent user interfaces.
  • Make components extensible via props for features like styling, inner content, callbacks, etc. Write components in a flexible way to enhance reusability.
  • Use Bit, Storybook or Styleguidist to organize and document components for easy discoverability and reuse.

The goal is to build up a toolbox of reusable pieces that can be composed in different ways. Avoid reinventing the wheel for every new page or feature. With strategic abstraction and component-driven design, you can greatly optimize your codebase.

Automating Tasks

Automating repetitive development tasks is key for maintaining efficiency as a project grows in scope and complexity. Rather than manually running the same sequences of tasks every time, developers should script them.

Popular JavaScript task runners like Gulp and Webpack allow you to define tasks that can be executed with a single command. For example, you may want a script to:

  • Compile SCSS files into CSS
  • Autoprefix CSS files for browser compatibility
  • Bundle and minify JavaScript files
  • Optimize images
  • Refresh the browser upon file changes

Defining these flows in a task runner enables running them with a single gulp or npm command rather than step-by-step every time.

Standardizing workflows in this way makes it easy for all developers to get started on the codebase and mantain consistent structure. The configuration serves as documentation on how assets are built and deployed.

As projects grow, look for any repetitive manual steps that can be automated. The investment in scripting workflows pays off in developer convenience and maintaining a reliable process over time.

Testing and Deployment

Once the main features are built, it’s time to test everything thoroughly before deployment.

Implement unit, integration, and e2e tests

  • Write unit tests for each component to ensure they function as intended in isolation. Use a framework like Jest or Mocha.
  • Write integration tests to verify components work together as expected.
  • Automate end-to-end tests to simulate user flows through the app. Choose a tool like Cypress or Selenium.

Automate build, test, and deployment pipelines

  • Use a CI/CD tool like GitHub Actions, CircleCI, or Jenkins to automate builds and tests whenever code is pushed.
  • Set up automated deployments to staging and production environments.
  • Implement automated rollback in case of failed deployments.

Choose hosting platform and deploy

  • Evaluate different hosting options like Heroku, AWS, or Firebase based on requirements.
  • Provision resources on the chosen platform.
  • Configure monitoring, logging, and alerting.
  • Run final tests and go through QA.
  • Deploy the application and make it available to users.
  • Set up continuous monitoring of site performance and errors.

Monitoring and Maintenance

Once your application is live, monitoring and maintenance becomes critical to ensure a smooth user experience. Here are some key areas to focus on:

Monitor Performance, Crashes, and Usage

  • Set up analytics to track pageviews, user sessions, popular content, conversion funnels, etc. Google Analytics is a free and powerful option.
  • Monitor site speed and performance. Are pages loading quickly enough? Are there bottlenecks under heavy load? Use tools like Lighthouse and WebPageTest to measure.
  • Track application crashes and errors. Logging and monitoring tools like Sentry can automatically aggregate crashes. Review frequently to fix issues.
  • Watch server resource usage like CPU, memory, disk space. Scale up if resources are consistently high.
  • Check for broken links, formatting issues, or other bugs. Run automated tests and browse the site yourself regularly.

Plan Scaling, Optimization, and New Features

  • Profile database queries, page load times, and other performance data to identify optimization opportunities.
  • Set up a CI/CD pipeline to automate testing and deployment of new versions.
  • Plan infrastructure scaling needs based on traffic and growth projections. Vertical and horizontal scaling options.
  • Prioritize and develop a roadmap for new features based on user feedback and behavior.

Maintain Security, Dependencies, and Logs

  • Install security updates for frameworks, libraries, server software, and dependencies. Watch for vulnerability notifications.
  • Review logs for signs of suspicious activity or access attempts. Enable firewall rules accordingly.
  • Rotate backup logs to avoid storage build up. Backup database and files regularly.
  • Prune unused dependencies and libraries to minimize bloat. Rebuild occasionally.
  • Review and update security policies and access rules as needed. Limit exposure of sensitive data.

With continuous monitoring across these areas, you can keep your application stable, optimized, and secure while offering a great user experience. Automate as much as possible to save time!

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