The Personal Site of Lalo Morales

Expanding Consciousness: A Practical Guide to Tom Campbell’s Approach to Remote Viewing and Out-of-Body Exploration

consciousness remote viewing and out of body experiences


In recent decades, interest in “expanded consciousness” and its practical applications—from intuition development and remote viewing to out-of-body experiences (OBEs)—has surged. Among the voices contributing to this conversation is Thomas Campbell, a physicist whose book series My Big TOE (Theory of Everything) proposes a unique model of reality. He suggests that consciousness is fundamental and that our physical world operates much like a “virtual reality” computed by consciousness itself. By understanding and working with this “larger consciousness system,” he says, anyone can learn to step beyond the usual constraints of space, time, and purely physical senses.

This blog post provides an overview of Campbell’s ideas on consciousness and outlines specific steps for exploring remote viewing and out-of-body states. We’ll discuss how Tom Campbell’s “virtual reality” perspective explains psychic and paranormal phenomena, review the psychology behind these experiences, and offer a set of actionable techniques you can begin practicing right away.

The Core Idea: Consciousness as Fundamental

Tom Campbell’s perspective on human existence flips the conventional view of reality. Where standard materialist science treats consciousness as an emergent property of the brain, Campbell argues the opposite: consciousness is primary; the physical brain (and indeed our entire material universe) emerges from consciousness. In other words, reality is “information-based” rather than purely physical.

“We are individuated units of consciousness,” Campbell says, “logged into a virtual reality—a rule-set environment—making choices that help us evolve.”

Why “Virtual Reality”?

To illustrate how consciousness might shape our reality, Tom Campbell borrows the language of computing. Just like a video game generates environments for players, he proposes that a “larger consciousness system” generates a data stream that forms your perception of being here, in a physical body. Because we receive this “data stream” moment by moment, it feels continuous and concrete. We see, hear, smell, taste, and touch a world of apparent matter, yet underneath is an underlying infrastructure of information.

Where does this leave experiences like remote viewing or OBEs? Campbell argues that if reality is, in fact, an information-based system, then “switching data streams” or modulating the one we’re currently tuned into is entirely possible. Think of it as logging out of one game server and logging into another. The difference is, instead of seeing yourself as a digital character, you experience yourself as a kind of conscious traveler in a non-physical realm.

Remote Viewing and Out-of-Body Exploration

Remote Viewing (RV) typically refers to the ability to perceive or describe locations, objects, or information at a distance—beyond the range of the conventional five senses. Out-of-Body Experiences (OBEs) involve perceiving oneself “outside” one’s physical body, often with the sensation of floating and interacting with other realms or dimensions. From Campbell’s viewpoint, these phenomena are manifestations of a simpler principle: consciousness can access multiple “data streams” once the person is mentally prepared and open to them.

  1. Remote Viewing
    • Involves collecting information without traditional sensory input.
    • Practitioners often pick up visual impressions, mental images, or even a sense of taste, smell, or temperature cues from a remote target.
    • Validated by controlled studies (e.g., Stanford Research Institute experiments, CIA’s “Stargate” program), remote viewing has mainstream scientific support as a genuine “anomalous cognition” phenomenon—though consensus on its mechanism remains elusive.
  2. Out-of-Body Experiences (OBEs)
    • Experiences in which an individual’s conscious sense of self perceives being separate from the physical body.
    • Robert Monroe famously explored these states, and Tom Campbell joined him at the Monroe Institute to research OBEs systematically.
    • Unlike remote viewing, which focuses on describing distant physical reality, OBEs can move beyond that framework entirely, journeying into realms often described as “non-physical” or “astral.”

From Campbell’s perspective, both phenomena rely on quieting the intellect and accessing that “intuitive” side of mind which connects directly to the larger consciousness system. Instead of being a bizarre anomaly, they become “tools” for personal growth and data gathering.

Preparing the Mind: The Importance of Quieting the Intellect

One of the biggest obstacles, Campbell notes, to successful remote viewing or OBEs is the overactive intellect—that analytical, logical part of the mind which questions, judges, doubts, and tries to control every step. While logic is an important tool, it is poorly suited to the real-time exploration of consciousness. The intuitive mind, on the other hand, can engage with subtle, imaginal, and extrasensory data.

Common Psychological Barriers

  1. Fear and Anxiety
    • Fear of “losing control,” fear of encountering unknown entities or realities, or fear of “failure” can all dampen or block success.
    • Anxiety triggers the fight-or-flight response, tightening mental focus on immediate survival and shutting down expansive awareness.
  2. Excessive Effort or Neediness
    • Putting undue pressure on yourself—“I must have an OBE tonight!”—usually backfires. A more playful or curious approach yields better results.
  3. Rigid Skepticism or Belief
    • It’s best to avoid rigid beliefs, whether “none of this is possible” or “all of it must be real.” Either extreme can bias or block the intuitive channel.
    • Instead, adopt the mindset: “I don’t know, but I’m open to learning from direct experience.”
  4. Distractions and Internal Noise
    • An untrained mind leaps from thought to thought. Meditative or mindful practices help quiet the “monkey mind,” making it far easier to register subtle impressions.

Balancing Intellect and Intuition

Campbell stresses that one doesn’t abandon intellect altogether. Instead, you learn to park the intellect during the exploration phase, letting the intuitive side flow without constant interference. Later, after your session, you can evaluate your impressions logically—comparing notes and seeing if you perceived anything verifiable or insightful.

Building a Foundation: Meditation and Daily Self-Work

A consistent theme among remote viewers, OBE explorers, and even mainstream mindfulness practitioners is that meditation forms the bedrock. Quieting mental chatter is key, whether you aim to discover your “inner world” or gather remote data about a target.

  1. Daily Meditation Practice
    • Aim for 15-20 minutes once or twice a day.
    • Methods vary—breath awareness, guided imagery, binaural beats, or focusing on a calming sound/mantra.
    • Tom Campbell himself started with a simple meditation technique in graduate school to reduce fatigue and found that “quieting the mind” opened him to unexpected intuitive insights.
  2. Emotional Well-Being
    • Address unresolved emotional issues, especially fear or anger. Negative emotional states manifest as “noise” in your mental field, impeding subtle perception.
    • Cultivating kindness, forgiveness, and compassion (in short, love) is central to Campbell’s worldview, as it lowers the “entropy” of one’s consciousness—leading to more clarity and fewer internal distortions.
  3. Practice Self-Honesty
    • If you catch yourself forcing an image to “fit,” let it go. True remote-viewing impressions often arise spontaneously, without intense effort.
    • The mind easily invents fantasies or stray thoughts; remain neutral and patient. Over time, you learn to distinguish a genuine intuitive signal from random mental noise.

Steps for Remote Viewing

Below is a simplified framework you can adapt to your preferences. The more systematically you practice, the more consistent your results typically become.

  1. Set the Stage
    • Choose a calm, quiet environment, free from distraction. Silence your phone and dim any harsh lighting.
    • Sit comfortably with your back supported. Lying down can be fine, but it may increase the risk of nodding off.
  2. Relax and Center
    • Engage in slow, deep breathing: inhale for a count of four, hold for two, exhale for a count of four (or any pattern that is comfortable and soothing).
    • Allow your shoulders, jaw, and neck to relax. Mentally note any tension and let it dissolve with each breath.
  3. Quiet the Mind
    • Use your usual meditation technique (e.g., mindful observation of the breath, a mantra, or focusing on ambient sounds) for at least 10 minutes.
    • The goal is to reduce internal chatter—recognize thoughts, let them pass, and gently return attention to the point of focus.
  4. State Your Intention
    • In a gentle mental voice, affirm: “I intend to receive information about [target].”
    • For practice, you might use a target number or a sealed envelope with a photograph inside. Alternatively, you can work with internet-based remote-viewing targets from dedicated sites.
  5. Wait, Watch, and Feel
    • Be receptive. You may start noticing faint shapes, colors, or random imagery. Jot down sketches or descriptors. Resist analyzing or naming things too soon (“It’s a boat!,” “It’s a building!”).
    • Just record impressions of size, shape, texture, temperature, color, or movement. Let them unfold organically.
  6. Evaluate Afterward
    • Once you feel your impressions have tapered off, gently shift back to normal awareness. Review your notes.
    • If you can, compare your results with the actual target (open the envelope, reveal the photo, or check the website’s feedback).
    • Celebrate any hits, even if they’re partial or symbolic (e.g., you drew curved lines and it turned out to be a photograph of a river). Over time, patterns emerge, and accuracy can improve.

Steps for Inducing an Out-of-Body Experience

While remote viewing usually keeps you anchored in your physical body, an OBE aims for a more immersive shift in perspective—where you might experience yourself “floating” beyond the boundaries of your physical form. Here is a generalized method inspired by Tom Campbell and Robert Monroe’s techniques:

  1. Achieve Deep Relaxation
    • Many OBE explorers lie down in a dark, quiet room. Close your eyes and systematically relax each muscle group, from toes to face.
    • Slow and deepen your breathing. Mentally note your intention: “I intend to explore beyond my physical body safely and peacefully.”
  2. Focus on Sensations of Energy
    • Some people feel vibrational waves or pulses throughout the body. This is often described as the “vibrational state,” which can herald an OBE.
    • If vibrations occur, remain calm. Do not tense up or panic—try to observe them with curiosity.
  3. Visualize or “Feel” a Separation
    • Gently imagine yourself rolling to one side or floating upward, without physically moving.
    • Alternatively, you might visualize climbing a rope or ladder. Metaphors like “rolling out” or “pulling up” can prompt the sense of detaching your point of consciousness from the physical body.
  4. Stay Calm, Observant, and Loving
    • Upon sensing separation (which may feel like gently popping free or floating), maintain emotional equilibrium. Fearful thoughts often snap you back into the body.
    • Look around with your “non-physical vision.” If you see or sense anything, simply note it. Remind yourself you are safe.
  5. Explore Gently
    • Some people attempt to walk through a wall, fly upward, or visit a friend’s home. However, be prepared for experiences that go beyond direct replicas of physical environments.
    • Stay open-minded. You might perceive realms or entities that defy everyday logic. Aim to learn, not to judge.
  6. Return and Document
    • When ready to return, focus on your physical body or think of moving your fingers and toes. You will naturally “snap back.”
    • Record your impressions as soon as possible in a journal. Write everything: visuals, emotions, sounds, subtle senses.

The Bigger Picture: Evolving Consciousness

While remote viewing or OBEs can seem like “cool tricks,” Tom Campbell stresses they are primarily about personal growth. By stepping beyond your everyday lens, you gain experiential evidence that reality is broader than standard materialism suggests. This, in turn, can reduce fear of death, increase empathy, and inspire a deeper commitment to living from a place of compassion and cooperation.

Practical Applications

  1. Healing and Helping
    • Remote viewers sometimes focus on health-related targets, using mental imagery to “send” healing intent.
    • If consciousness is interconnected, your loving focus on someone’s well-being could have measurable positive effects.
  2. Enhanced Creativity
    • Altered states can open channels of inspiration for writers, artists, entrepreneurs, and innovators.
  3. Spiritual Insight
    • Some interpret OBEs or non-physical “conversations” as direct engagement with spiritual truths.
    • Experiencing yourself beyond the body can diminish anxiety about mortality and refine your sense of purpose.
  4. Personal Peace
    • Stepping into a broader reality model fosters humility and calm: daily problems may seem less threatening in the grand scheme.

Troubleshooting and Tips

  • Take it Slow: If you try forcing success (especially with OBEs), you often sabotage your own efforts. Learn patience.
  • Avoid Extreme Fatigue: While some people have spontaneous OBEs when sleep-deprived, it’s more reliable to approach with a well-rested mind.
  • Overcoming Fear: If you encounter unnerving imagery or sensations, respond with curiosity rather than panic. Affirm your safety. Remember, you can always return to normal waking awareness.
  • Community and Mentors: Participating in online forums or local consciousness-exploration groups can be encouraging. You’ll find shared techniques and helpful feedback.

Connecting with Tom Campbell’s Work

If you want to delve deeper into Campbell’s overall theory:

  1. Read My Big TOE
    • A three-volume set that lays out his model of reality, consciousness evolution, and the logic behind “virtual reality.”
  2. Monroe Institute
    • Robert Monroe’s organization continues programs on Hemi-Sync audio technology and consciousness exploration.
  3. Workshops and Videos
    • Campbell has conducted workshops worldwide. Many of his lectures are freely available on YouTube.
    • He regularly addresses how to integrate expanded consciousness into everyday life, from making better choices to improving relationships.

A Summary of the Journey

Tom Campbell’s approach to consciousness, remote viewing, and OBEs reframes these states not as paranormal anomalies, but as natural outcomes of a reality that’s fundamentally informational. By systematically quieting the mind and engaging with the “intuitive side” of ourselves, we can gather data or explore realms far beyond the usual physical senses.

  • Consciousness is Primary: Everything else emerges from it.
  • Reality is Virtual: We inhabit a rule-set environment that we interpret as physical, but it is, at base, information.
  • We Are Here to Grow: Through choices in this virtual environment, we evolve the quality of our consciousness—ideally reducing fear and increasing love.
  • Remote Viewing & OBEs Are Tools: They help you experience the broader landscape of consciousness, serving as catalysts for personal and collective development.

Ultimately, Campbell’s theory and methods encourage a shift away from narrow materialism, opening up possibilities that we as individuals—and as a species—may be poised to embrace. By practicing remote viewing or exploring out-of-body states, you engage in a direct, experiential inquiry into the true nature of reality. If you’re curious about life’s deeper mysteries and the potential of your own mind, Tom Campbell’s work offers a structured, compelling place to begin.


Expanding consciousness is not a get-rich-quick scheme or an instant solution to all of life’s challenges. As Tom Campbell frequently emphasizes, the real work involves daily mindfulness, emotional healing, and genuine efforts to reduce ego and fear. Remote viewing and out-of-body experiences can be spectacular or eye-opening, but their greatest gift is often the inner transformation they inspire. By gently, patiently training your mind and heart, you embark on an extraordinary journey—one in which you discover that life is larger, more interconnected, and more meaningful than you might have ever imagined.

Whether your interest is fueled by spiritual seeking, scientific curiosity, or a mixture of both, stepping through the door of expanded perception can be a life-changing adventure. Take from Campbell’s ideas what resonates, test techniques for yourself, and remain open to the surprises consciousness may reveal. As your own capacity for remote viewing, meditation, and love evolves, you might find you’ve truly begun to live in—and from—a “bigger reality” than the one you knew before.

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