Introducing OpenAI o1-Preview: A New Era of Advanced Reasoning in AI

gpt 01-preview blog postgpt 01-preview blog post

September 12, 2024


OpenAI has once again pushed the boundaries of artificial intelligence with the introduction of OpenAI o1, a groundbreaking large language model (LLM) designed to perform complex reasoning tasks. Trained using reinforcement learning, o1 represents a significant leap forward in AI capabilities, particularly in its ability to “think before it answers” by generating a comprehensive internal chain of thought prior to responding to user queries.

An early version of this model, OpenAI o1-preview, is now available for immediate use in ChatGPT and to trusted API users. This blog post delves into the remarkable features and capabilities of o1-preview, exploring how it transforms AI reasoning and its potential impact across various domains.

1. The Evolution of OpenAI o1

OpenAI o1 is the result of extensive research into enhancing the reasoning abilities of LLMs. By employing a large-scale reinforcement learning algorithm, the model learns to think productively, honing its chain of thought through a highly data-efficient training process. This method allows o1 to consistently improve its performance with increased train-time compute (reinforcement learning) and test-time compute (time spent thinking).

Unlike previous models that might generate immediate responses, o1 emphasizes the importance of thoughtful reasoning. It recognizes and corrects mistakes, breaks down complex problems into simpler steps, and adopts different approaches when necessary. This reflective process dramatically enhances the model’s ability to tackle intricate tasks, making it a powerful tool in domains requiring deep reasoning.

2. Key Capabilities and Achievements

Advanced Reasoning

  • Chain-of-Thought Processing: o1 generates a detailed internal reasoning process before producing an answer, akin to how a human might deliberate on a complex question.
  • Data-Efficient Learning: The model’s training process allows it to learn effectively from less data, optimizing both performance and resource utilization.

Exceptional Performance on Benchmarks

  • Competitive Programming: o1 ranks in the 89th percentile on competitive programming questions on Codeforces, showcasing its proficiency in coding and algorithmic problem-solving.
  • Mathematics Excellence: In the 2024 AIME (American Invitational Mathematics Examination), o1 places among the top 500 students in the US, exceeding human performance and surpassing the cutoff for the USA Mathematical Olympiad.
  • Scientific Mastery: On the GPQA (Graduate Physics Qualifying Assessment) diamond benchmark, o1 exceeds human PhD-level accuracy in physics, biology, and chemistry problems.

Coding Proficiency

  • International Olympiad in Informatics (IOI): o1 scored 213 points, ranking in the 49th percentile under competition conditions identical to those faced by human contestants.
  • Codeforces Elo Rating: Achieved an Elo rating of 1807, outperforming 93% of human competitors and demonstrating superior coding skills compared to previous models.

3. Performance on Challenging Benchmarks

Mathematics Competitions

  • AIME 2024 Performance:
    • Single Sample Accuracy: Averaged 74% (11.1/15 problems solved).
    • Consensus Among 64 Samples: Improved to 83% accuracy.
    • Re-ranking with Learned Scoring Function: Achieved 93% accuracy, solving 13.9 out of 15 problems.

Science Benchmarks

  • GPQA Diamond Benchmark:
    • Surpassed human PhD experts in physics, biology, and chemistry.
    • Demonstrated advanced understanding and problem-solving abilities in scientific domains.

Multimodal and Multilingual Understanding

  • MMMU (Multimodal Multilingual Understanding):
    • Scored 78.2%, becoming the first model competitive with human experts in this benchmark.
  • MMLU (Massive Multitask Language Understanding):
    • Outperformed previous models on 54 out of 57 subcategories, indicating versatility across a wide range of subjects.

4. Chain-of-Thought Reasoning

A standout feature of o1 is its ability to engage in chain-of-thought reasoning. This process involves the model thinking through a problem step by step, similar to human reasoning when faced with complex tasks. Through reinforcement learning, o1 refines this internal dialogue, leading to more accurate and insightful answers.

Examples of Chain-of-Thought Reasoning:

  • Cipher Decryption: Successfully decoded complex ciphers by systematically analyzing patterns and applying logical deductions.
  • Coding Challenges: Wrote efficient code by breaking down programming tasks into manageable components, improving problem-solving efficiency.
  • Mathematical Proofs: Solved advanced mathematical problems by methodically working through equations and theorems.
  • Crossword Puzzles: Demonstrated language proficiency and cultural knowledge by accurately filling in crossword grids through contextual understanding.
  • Scientific Queries: Addressed intricate scientific questions by logically connecting concepts across disciplines.

5. Human Preference Evaluation

To assess o1’s real-world applicability, human evaluators compared responses from o1-preview and previous models like GPT-4 on a variety of challenging, open-ended prompts across different domains.


  • Preference in Reasoning-Heavy Domains: Evaluators showed a strong preference for o1-preview in areas that benefit from enhanced reasoning, such as data analysis, coding, and mathematics.
  • Natural Language Tasks: While o1-preview excels in reasoning, it shows potential for improvement in certain natural language tasks, indicating that it may not be the optimal choice for all use cases.

6. Safety and Alignment

OpenAI emphasizes the importance of safety and ethical considerations in AI development. With o1, chain-of-thought reasoning contributes to significant advances in model alignment and safety.

Key Safety Enhancements:

  • Policy Integration: By incorporating safety policies into its chain of thought, o1 can reason about safety rules within the context of user interactions.
  • Robustness to Adversarial Prompts: The model demonstrates increased resistance to jailbreak attempts and adherence to safety protocols, even in challenging scenarios.
  • Monitoring Capabilities: The hidden chain of thought allows for potential monitoring of the model’s reasoning process, aiding in the detection of undesirable behaviors.

Performance on Safety Evaluations:

  • Improved Safety Refusals: Achieved higher rates of safe completions on harmful prompts, outperforming previous models in refusing to produce disallowed content.
  • Compliance with Ethical Guidelines: Demonstrated strong adherence to OpenAI’s safety policies across various testing benchmarks.

7. Hiding the Chain-of-Thought

To balance transparency, user experience, and safety considerations, OpenAI has decided not to display the raw chain-of-thought to users. Instead, o1 provides a model-generated summary of its reasoning in the final answer.

Reasons for This Decision:

  • Preventing Misuse: Hiding the unfiltered chain of thought reduces the risk of users exploiting the model’s reasoning process to generate disallowed content.
  • Encouraging Natural Responses: Allows the model to think freely without altering its reasoning to align with visible policies, ensuring more authentic and effective problem-solving.
  • Facilitating Monitoring: Maintains the potential for internal monitoring of the model’s reasoning for safety and alignment purposes.

8. Future Directions

OpenAI plans to continue iterating on o1, releasing improved versions that further enhance AI reasoning capabilities. The ongoing development aims to:

  • Strengthen Alignment with Human Values: Utilize advanced reasoning to better align AI behaviors with ethical guidelines and user expectations.
  • Expand Use Cases: Unlock new applications in science, technology, engineering, mathematics, and beyond.
  • Enhance Accessibility: Make advanced AI reasoning tools available to a broader audience through platforms like ChatGPT and API integrations.


OpenAI o1-preview represents a significant milestone in the evolution of AI language models. Its ability to perform complex reasoning tasks by thinking through problems before answering sets it apart from previous models. With impressive performances on challenging benchmarks, advanced coding skills, and enhanced safety measures, o1 is poised to transform how we interact with AI technologies.

As we look toward the future, models like o1 will play a crucial role in solving complex problems, advancing research, and improving daily workflows across various industries. OpenAI remains committed to responsible AI development, ensuring that these powerful tools are aligned with human values and contribute positively to society.

Call to Action

We invite users and developers to experience OpenAI o1-preview firsthand through ChatGPT and the OpenAI API. By engaging with this new model, you can explore its advanced reasoning capabilities and contribute to its ongoing refinement. Your feedback is invaluable in shaping the future of AI technologies.

By lalomorales

Father, Husband, lover of penguins, tattoos, glassblowing, coding, art, tv, movies, pictures, video, text, ai, software, and other stuff

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