The Personal Site of Lalo Morales

Kids Have the Power: Lessons on Manifestation from My Son’s Happy Meal Magic

manifest your destiny

Manifest Destiny

Manifesting is the practice of focusing your thoughts and energy to attract positive experiences and circumstances into your life. The basic premise is that our thoughts and beliefs shape our reality. By learning to control our thoughts and visualize the outcomes we desire, we can essentially “manifest” those things into existence.

The Law of Attraction is the theory underpinning manifesting practices. It states that like energy attracts like energy. So if you put out positive, focused thoughts and emotions, you will attract positivity back. Conversely, dwelling on the negative tends to perpetuate negativity.

Manifesting requires clarity on your desires, unwavering belief that they are possible, and committed action toward achieving them. With practice, manifesting can help people create the lives and experiences they truly want. However, it does require patience and persistence. Results are rarely immediate. But over time, manifesting daily can reshape thought patterns and behaviors in a way that promotes realizing your goals and dreams.

Teaching My Son To Manifest

My son has always had a very active imagination and a strong desire for his favorite toys and treats. I realized early on that he seemed to have an uncanny ability to get what he wanted just by focusing his mind on it.

One day when we were going to get fast food, he told me he wanted a specific toy in his Happy Meal. I decided to test his manifesting abilities and told him to close his eyes and visualize having that toy in his hands, imagine playing with it, and focus on the feeling of joy it would bring him. I told him to repeat positive affirmations in his mind like “I am getting the toy I want” and believe he already had it.

After our visualization exercise, we went and ordered his Happy Meal. When he opened it up, sure enough inside was the exact toy he had envisioned! I was amazed that it had worked. From that point on, I started teaching my son techniques to manifest whatever he desired by commanding his thoughts, emotions, and focus.

I would have him sit quietly, visualize what he wanted in detail, and repeat affirmations before special events or trips to the store. The more we practiced, the better he got at manifesting things like candy, small toys, even fun experiences. Seeing tangible results motivated him to strengthen his manifestation abilities. Though simple childish desires, it was remarkable to see how powerful his untapped mind could be.

Kids Have Greater Manifesting Abilities

Research suggests that children may have an inherent advantage when it comes to manifesting desires compared to adults. There are several reasons why this may be the case:

Imagination and Belief

Children have extremely active imaginations and fewer limiting beliefs about what is possible. They can more easily pretend and visualize desired outcomes without the constraints of “reality” that adults develop over time. This allows them to manifest from a place of pure imagination and belief.

Lack of Resistance

Related to imagination and belief, children also tend to have less resistance when manifesting. Doubts, fears, and negative assumptions can block the manifestation process in adults. Kids generally accept things at face value and don’t overthink outcomes.

High Vibration

Children naturally vibrate at a higher frequency, characterized by joy, excitement, laughter, lightheartedness. This positive energy aligns powerfully with the vibration of their desires and attracts manifestation. Adults tend to carry more stress, cynicism and weigh themselves down emotionally.

Single-Minded Focus

When kids want something, they become completely fixated on it. Their focus is intense and unbroken by other priorities. Adults juggle many responsibilities and their focus is divided, which can dilute manifesting power.

Divine Connection

Some believe children are still closely connected to the divine source from which they came. Their manifesting ability channels this pure connection before it is clouded by worldly knowledge and ego. They are conduit for cosmic creation energy.

The research suggests kids can be powerful manifestors. As adults, we may be able to enhance our own manifesting capacity by adopting more childlike qualities in imagination, belief, focus and vibration.

Manifesting Requires Focus

Manifesting our desires and dreams requires an intense focus and clarity of mind. When we are distracted or impaired, it becomes much more difficult to tap into the power of manifestation.

For many years, I struggled with alcohol abuse. Drinking would dull my senses and make it nearly impossible to quiet my mind. The noise of addiction drowned out my ability to listen for divine guidance and ideas. Instead of focusing inward, alcohol led me to focus outward on distractions.

Now that I’m sober, I’ve regained the ability to truly focus my mind. Without the fog of intoxication, I can sit in stillness and listen closely for the messages I need to receive. The clarity helps me visualize my desires and align my thoughts, emotions, and actions with manifesting my goals.

Being sober and present has unlocked my capability to manifest the life I want. I no longer sabotage myself by numbing my mind and distracting myself from what matters most. I now have the focus and discipline needed to tune into inspiration and boldly act on it.

Listening For Ideas To Manifest

Manifesting requires tuning in to ideas from your subconscious mind or the universe. It’s about getting quiet, focusing your thoughts, and listening for the guidance, inspiration and ideas that come through.

Many of us have mental blocks that prevent us from clearly receiving these ideas. Common blocks include negative self-talk, limiting beliefs, distractions, stress, or simply not making the time and space to listen.

To improve your ability to listen for ideas to manifest:

  • Set aside quiet time each day to get centered and listen. Meditate, take deep breaths, and clear your mind as much as possible.
  • Ask specific questions and wait patiently for the answers to come. Don’t force it. Trust that the ideas will come through in their own time.
  • Pay attention to repetitive thoughts, gut feelings, intuitions, dreams, synchronistic events etc. These can be signs of incoming ideas.
  • Keep a journal to write down any ideas or inspirations that arise. Revisit this regularly.
  • Eliminate distractions and negative self-talk that block your connection to your inner wisdom. Stay open and receptive.
  • Visualize your desired outcome and feel gratitude, as if your idea has already manifested. This positive energy attracts more ideas.

With regular practice, you’ll get better at removing mental blocks, tuning in to ideas from within, and allowing them to effortlessly flow through. This will significantly boost your manifestation abilities. Be patient with yourself and keep your focus on listening for the guidance your heart seeks.

Manifesting For My Family

My main goal in learning to manifest is to be able to provide a better life for my family. As a parent, I want to model manifestation techniques for my children so they can grow up with this powerful skill. I also hope to manifest financial stability, good health, and happiness for my partner and kids.

Specifically, I would like to manifest:

  • A larger home where my family has more space and privacy
  • Reliable transportation like a newer car or van
  • Educational opportunities like private school or college savings
  • Less financial stress and more disposable income for family activities
  • A close, loving family bond and cherished memories together
  • Protection, safety, and security for my loved ones

The most important manifestations would be related to health and wellbeing. I aim to manifest strength, vitality, and excellent medical care for my family. As a sober person, I want to continue manifesting clarity and peace of mind.

Overall, my manifestation goals center around providing my children with the resources, experiences, and love necessary to thrive. If I can manifest possessions, money, and opportunities for them, I’ll feel successful in my abilities. By honing this skill, I hope to create an abundant life for all of us.

Steps For Successful Manifesting

Manifesting your desires and dreams into reality requires dedication and focused effort. Here are some key steps to help make manifestation work for you:

Get Clear On Your Goals

The first step is to get very clear on exactly what you want to manifest. Define your desired outcome in as much detail as possible. The clearer and more specific you are, the easier it will be for the universe to send it your way. Write your goals down.

Focus Your Thoughts And Energy

Bring as much focused thought, emotion, and energy toward what you want to manifest. Visualize your desired outcome vividly, imagine how it would feel to have it, and immerse yourself in those feelings. Meditate on your goals. The more mental and emotional energy you put toward it, the more you attract it.

Take Inspired Action

Take small steps and actions that feel aligned toward achieving your goals. Don’t just sit around waiting for things to manifest. Act on any intuitive nudges or ideas you get that could move you in the right direction. Sync up your thoughts, feelings and actions.

Release Attachment To Outcome

While focusing intently on your desired outcome, also practice detachment. Know that you’ve put the intent out to the universe. Trust that your goal is on its way in divine timing. Release worries, doubts or forcing something to happen. Avoid attachment to exactly how and when your goal manifests.

Express Gratitude

Cultivate an attitude of gratitude for what you already have, and give thanks in advance for your manifested desires as if they have already arrived. This energy of appreciation and thankfulness will draw more of what you want to you.

Believe It Is Possible

Have faith that what you are seeking is absolutely possible for you to achieve or acquire. Eliminate any negative self-talk or limiting beliefs that may create resistance or self-sabotage. Replace it with positive affirmations of believing in your manifestation abilities.

Manifesting Tips and Strategies

Manifesting your desires and goals requires dedication, focus, and an open mind. Here are some tips and strategies to help improve your manifesting abilities:

  • Get clear on your desires. Be as specific as possible about what you want to manifest. Define it in detail – how it looks, feels, smells, tastes. The clearer your vision, the easier it will be to focus your intention and align your energy.
  • Believe it is possible. If you have doubts or feel unworthy, these limiting beliefs will block your manifestation. Adopt an attitude of openness to receive what you desire. Affirm to yourself that you are worthy and deserving.
  • Detach from the outcome. Don’t be attached to how your desire will come about. Trust in the universe’s timing. Practice non-attachment and equanimity rather than forcing a specific result. What we resist often persists.
  • Take inspired action. Manifesting isn’t just sitting back and waiting. Take steps each day that feel aligned with your desires. Opportunities will arise – act on them. Inspired action builds momentum.
  • Give gratitude. Expressing gratitude sends a signal to the universe that you already have what you desire. Give thanks for all manifestations, big and small. Gratitude amplifies positive energy.
  • Use visualization and affirmations. Regularly visualize your fulfilled desire and repeat affirmations supporting it. Mental rehearsal and positive self-talk program the subconscious mind.
  • Cultivate positive emotions. Emotions are energy in motion. Positive, high-vibe emotions like joy, excitement, passion and love attract what you desire. Regularly cultivate these feelings.
  • Let go of control. Trust in the universe’s higher wisdom for manifesting your desire in the best way. Release the need to control the how, when and details. What’s for your highest good will come about.

Overcoming Obstacles and Limiting Beliefs

Manifesting our desires can seem easy in theory, but in practice we often run into obstacles and limiting beliefs that derail our progress. Here are some common obstacles that get in the way of manifesting, and tips for overcoming them:

Doubts and Negative Self-Talk

One of the biggest obstacles is our own self-doubt and negative self-talk. When we tell ourselves “I can’t do this” or “This will never work out for me”, we are creating resistance in our own minds. To overcome this, monitor your self-talk and challenge any doubts that arise. Affirm to yourself that you are capable of manifesting anything you desire.

Attachment to Outcome

Being overly attached to the outcome can also block the manifestation process. When we are gripped by wanting a specific person, thing, or event so badly, we tend to “push against” what we want rather than allowing it to unfold naturally. Let go of needing it to happen in a certain way or on a certain timeline. Trust that what is meant for you cannot be kept from you.

Not Taking Action

While manifesting does require faith, you can’t just sit around waiting for things to magically happen. You have to take actions that align with your desired outcome. Make a plan and take small steps each day that move you in the right direction. The universe rewards action.

Limiting Beliefs from Childhood

Beliefs we adopted as children about money being scarce, not deserving abundance, or that we have to struggle to get what we want can hamper our manifesting abilities. Examine your underlying beliefs and do the inner work to release any that no longer serve you.

With regular practice and by releasing inner resistance, you can overcome these obstacles and limiting beliefs. Maintain faith that you have the power to manifest the life you truly desire.


Manifesting your desires and achieving your destiny requires focus, intention, and an open mind. This article has covered key concepts for understanding and utilizing the power of manifestation, including:

  • Our thoughts and beliefs shape our reality. Remaining positive, visualizing your goals, and believing in their attainment is the starting point.
  • Children naturally manifest better than adults because they have fewer limiting beliefs. As adults, we must let go of doubt and skepticism to access our inherent manifesting abilities.
  • Listening to your intuitive inner voice and writing down the ideas and inspirations that arise is how the universe communicates what you are meant to manifest.
  • Removing mental blocks, aligning your actions with your desires, and maintaining focus allows your manifestation to come to fruition.
  • Strategies like visualization, affirmations, meditation, and journaling help strengthen your manifesting practice over time.

Manifesting takes dedication and perseverance, but the rewards make it worthwhile. Begin today by believing wholeheartedly that your destiny is within your power to create. Commit to your vision, embrace positivity, and take inspired action. The life you dream of awaits you.

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